- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental Risk Factors in Developmental Disabilities"-( 26th December 2024).
- 20th Jeremy Grantham Lecture on Climate Change:Doughnut Economics and Climate Change: From Theory to Practic -(19th December 2024) .
- DCCC Future Earth : Science Awareness Webinar XI on Transporation Noise Pollution and Cardiovascular Health-(18th December 2024) .
- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental Influences on Diabetes Melllitus"-( 28th November 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental Measures to Mitigate Respiratory Diseases: A Focused Approach for an Elite Scientific Audience"-( 24th October 2024).
- Science Awareness Webinar IX: "AI-Driven Research: Catalyzing Innovation Across Scientific Disciplines"-(3rd October 2024)
- DCCC Seminar - "Measures to Early Recognition and Prevention of Suicidal Tendencies" -( 26th September 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental issues in Gastroparesis & Preventive Measures" -( 28th August 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Climate adaptation for resilient mountain water towers: Insights and opportunities in the Appalachians and Andes" -( 23rd August 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases: Early Recognition and Measures to
Mitigate” -( 25th July 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Do all the empowered women promote smokeless kitchens? Investigating rural India” -( 12th July 2024).
- DCCC Seminar - "Environmental Risk for Autism: Measures to Mitigate” -( 27th June 2024 at 4PM).
- DCCC Webinar on " Systems Thinking for Systemic Goals: Why Frameworks and Scales Matter "- (April 17 2024)
- DCCC Seminar on “Environmental Risk factors for Hearing Loss: Measures to Mitigate"-(28th March 2024)
- DCCC Seminar on “Environmental Risk factors for Rheumatism : Measures to Mitigate”(29th February 2024)
- DCCC Seminar on “Role of Palliative Care in the Current Healthcare Environment”-(18th January 2024)
- DCCC Seminar on“National safe toys and gifts day in relation to Health ”-(28th December 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on“Environmental Pollution Mitigating Pneumonia In Children ”-(30 November 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on " Supporting Climate Change Innovation at Imperial College London"-(03 November 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Impact of climate change on Nutrition, Special attention to Diabetes, Kidney Disease and Allergic Diseases"-(26 October 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Mitigating hOuse hold air pollution "-(13 October 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Environmental Measures Needed to Safeguard the Patients in the Health Care Facilities"-(27 September 2023).
- DCCC Seminar on "Environmental issues in the prevention of Non-communicable Disease (Asthma)"-(31 August 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Measures to prevent Hepatitis: A Social Concern"-(27 July 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on “The current status of climate change science and attribution"-(27 July 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Ethnobiotechnology: A way to look backward and forward at the same time"-(26 July 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Agro-Ecotechnology and Climate Smart Agriculture: Paths Toward Sustainable Rural Development"-(18 July 2023)
- Future Earth Science Awareness Talk-(22 June 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on"Vitiligo a Skin Disorder: At the Crossroads"-(27 JUNE 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Chronic fatigue syndrome"-(25th May 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Universal Health Coverage Everyone Everywhere"-(27th April 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Promoting TB Awareness through Community Engagement"-(30th March 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "How metal stable isotopes offer unique insights in exposure assessment and disease detection"-(9th March 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "The Need For Aerobic Exercise To Attain Good Health and Wellbeing"-(23 February 2023).
- DCCC Seminar on "Forward and Inverse Modeling of Glacier and Ice-shelf Fracture"-(23rd January 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Measures to Mitigate Thyroid Diseases"-(25th January 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Mathematics of Big Data Analysis "-(11th January 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Confluence of Data Science and AI"-(10th January 2023)
- DCCC Seminar on "Jumping the Chasm: Strategies to Cope with the Increasing U.S. Kidney Transplant Waitlist"-(27th December 2022).
- DCCC Seminar on "Environmental Issues in the Alzeimers Disease Recognition and Prevention"-(24th November 2022).
- DCCC Seminar on "Extreme Indian Monsoon states lead to marine productivity collapses in the Bay of Bengal"-(22nd November 2022).
- DCCC Seminar on "Fall In Social Values and It’s Consequences in the Current Environment " -(27th October 2022).
- DCCC Seminar on "How Can We Prevent & Manage Traumatic Brain Injury" -(29th September 2022).
- DCCC Webinar on “Environmental Issues to Prevent Chronic Skin Disorders In Particular Psoriasis ” -(25th August 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on “Environmental Measures to Prevent Backache and Arthritis Problem”-(28th July 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries: Is the Future Solid?"-(21st July 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on Scientists Warning To Humanity: Microorganisms And Climate Change-(7th July 2022)
- Co-Note Talk Title: Protecting Coastal Communities - Risks from Changing Climate-(6th July 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Environmental Issues to Mitigate Headaches in Particular Migraine"-(30th June 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in a Changing Climate: A Health Perspective" -(20th June 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Sustainable Communities: Coping with Climate Change" -(16th June 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "A Healthy Environment for A Healthy Life" -(5th June 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Nasal Health in India: Sneezing- Not So Uncommon"-(26th May 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "The Recent IPCC Assessment Reports on Climate Change: An Indian perspective"-(5th May 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Deliberating Best Practices: Developing Sustainable Communities in India" -(29th April 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Parkinsonism: Risk, Recognition and Measures to Mitigate"-(April 28th,2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Deliberating Best Practices: Developing Sustainable Communities in India"-(April 27th,2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Fortifying Health in South Asia: A Focus on Nutrition, Coastal Risk and Urban Heat"-(April 25th,2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Transforming Food Systems in South Asia: Finding best strategy, policies and practices in tackling hunger and malnutrition"-(April 21st,2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Protecting Coastal Ecosystems in South Asia - Water Security and Risks from Rising Sea Levels"-(19th April 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Measures to Mitigate Intestinal Cancer"-(24th March 2022)
- DCCC Webinar on "Importance of Oral Health for Good Health"-(24th February 2022)
- DCCC webinar on
"Measures to Mitigate Blindness from Glaucoma”-(27th January 2022)
- DCCC webinar on
"The Status of Sustainable Development
Goals in South Asia
"-(20th January 2022)
Divecha Centre Webinar on "Is there a Need for Global Flue Vaccination to Everyone?".-(December 23rd,2021)
Divecha Centre Webinar on "Developmental trajectories of nations based on equity, historic, responsibility and planetary boundaries".-(December 10th,2021)
Divecha Centre Webinar on "Reversal Of Diabetes Myth or Reality".-(November 25th,2021)
Divecha Centre Webinar on "Award of Nobel Prize in Physics:2021".-(October 29th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “India’s climate policy so far and what to look forward to?”.-(October 21st,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Doughnut Economics: what does it mean in a South Asian context?”.-(October 20th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Environmental Challenges to Prevent Food Related Health Issues”.-(October 18th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “THE WAY FORWARD LIVING WITH COVID-19”.-(October 13th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Overall Environmental Issues In The Prevention Of Suicidal Tendencies”.-(September 23rd,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “What really drives the Indian monsoon? "-(September 21st,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Environment, Earth and Climate Change "-(September 2nd,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Expected Environment Changes In The Prevention & Control Of Lung Cancer"-(August 26th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Desired Environment Changes in the Prevention & Control of Liver Diseases"-(July 29th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Desired Environment Changes in the Prevention & Control of Eye Diseases” & The Need for Ecosystem Restoration"-(June 24th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Title: Role of Environmental Issues in the Prevention and Control of Asthma"-(May 27th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on “Measures Needed to Build Fairer and Healthier World for Survival"-(April 22nd,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "The Health Benefits of Covid Vaccination and FAQ"-(April 16th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Impact of environment and climate change in the prevention and control of kidney diseases during World Kidney Day.
"-(March 5th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Uttarakhand tragedy: possible reasons link"-(March 25th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Environmental Issues in Prevention of Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases"-(February 25th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Connecting Crop Productivity, Residue Fires, and Air Quality over Northern India."-(February 5th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"COVID-19 VACCINES: BASICS AND FAQ’s"-(February 4th,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Environmental Issues In Relation to Developmental Disability: Causes and Prevention" -(January 21st,2021)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"W.H.O Survey Of Professionals Awareness On Climate Change On Health : 2020 "-(December 23rd,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Wildfire and ecosystems: what will happen in the future?"-(NOVEMBER 26th,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Delineating Groundwater Security of India Where Science Meets Policy"-15 October,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"BENGALURU: CITY OF WATER"-(June 23rd,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Mitigating Climate Change: Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic"-(June 18th,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Anomalous Dynamics and Disintegration of Glaciers in Western Himalaya"-(June 9th,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Water Quality Laboratory at Divecha Centre: An Overview"-(May 28,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" COVID -19 LOCK DOWN : IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH"-(May 21st,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Climate and Land Use Case Studies"-(May 19,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Sustainable Energy Options and Climate Mitigation post-Covid-19"-(May 14th,2020)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" The Future of Sustainability"-(July 22nd,2019)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Short-lived Radionuclides (7Be, 210Po and 210Pb-210) as Tracer and Chronometer in the study of Ice/Snow Dynamics in the Western Arctic"-(May 29th,2019)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Radon and it Progeny as Tracers in Monsoon Dynamics and Atmospheric Pollutant Transport"-(May 28th,2019)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Shell in the Energy Transition:
Challenges in Science and Technology to deliver More and Cleaner Energy
"-(May 9th,2019)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Regional Earth System Predictions for Human Health"-(November 13th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Global climate sensitivity and regional warming "-(November 9th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Ocean Overturning Circulation "-(November 8th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Three types of Monsoons "-(November 6th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Untangling climate signals w.r.t. PDO and AMO "-(November 5th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on" Overview of El nino "-(November 5th,2018,10.30am)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"On the fine structure of the adjoint sensitivity and guidelines for placing observations to correct forecast errors"-(July 30th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Implementing energy and environmental policies in China"-(March 14th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on"Fixing China’s SO2 pollution"-(March 12th,2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Anthropocene changes in large river systems and their impact on coastal processes"-(20th February, 2018)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Aerosols and the Climate Change Conundrum: How is the Puzzle Evolving?"- (November 6 , 2017)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "GFDL’s Climate and Earth System Modeling: From CMIP5 to CMIP6"-(November 8 , 2017)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Mitigation Delay Sensitivity: A new policy-relevant metric"- (September 15 , 2017)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "The bipolar seesaw: A simple but powerful concept"-(September 15 , 2017)
Divecha Centre Seminar on "Forecast Products for Renewable Energy Applications AT NCMRWF"- (June 19, 2017)
"Divecha Centre Seminar on" Creating the missing link between safe sanitation and food production "-(May 19 , 2017)"
"Divecha Centre Seminars by Prof.Stefan Rahmstorf- "-(November 22-25 , 2016)"
"Divecha Centre Seminar on "Forecast Products for Renewable Energy Applications AT NCMRWF"
"Divecha Centre Seminar on "Global Water, the Anthropocene and the Transformation of a Science towards a Sustainable Water Future ,(September 14,2016)"
"Divecha Centre Seminar on "The Benefits of Connecting Science to Policy Makers",(September 12,2016)"
"Why the ?hiatus? in global mean surface temperature trends in the last decade? - Dr. G Bala"
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