- We examine the role of dark-brown carbon in the acceleration of snow melt.
- We highlight the role of Milankovitch cycles in Earth's climate.
- We explore how hydrogen energy systems can be used to fight climate change.
- We explore how the extinction of mammoths and other megafauna late in the Pleistocene epoch may have caused feedback cycles that led to warmer temperatures at high latitudes.
- We list Future Earth's new insights in climate science.
- We list Future Earth's new insights in climate science.
- We look into how AI-based solutions can help improve energy efficiency and reduce global carbon emissions.
- We look at the effects of climate change on mountain regions and their local communities.
- We discuss how llamas (Lama glama) can limit the harmful effects of climate change in their native Andean mountain regions of South America.
- We examine the effects of climate change on soil erosion in uphill shifting cultivation systems in mountainous terrain in Northeast India.
- We highlight the effects of climate change on cheetah behaviour and interactions with other large African mammalian carnivores.
- We explore how climate change impacts Antarctic ecosystems.
- We highlight how climate change has affected jaguars residing in the Pantanal wetland ecosystems.
- We discuss how climate change affects transportation systems and the impact of sustainable transportation in mitigating climate change.
- We look into how climate change reduces fish immunity and can impact fisheries globally.
- We examine how climate change may affect those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
- We highlight the different types of climate models.
- We highlight how climate change can intensify the destruction caused by tsunamis.
- We review the effects of climate change on mangrove forests in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve and the contribution of mangroves to climate change mitigation.
- We investigate the effects of climate change on cities and urbanized regions.
- We review the impact of climate change on the native habitat ranges of snow leopards.
- We explore how climate change can impact food production and food safety.
- We highlight how e-waste contributes to global carbon emissions and exacerbates climate change.
- We explore how migratory bird species are affected by shifts in spring seasons due to climate change.
- We discuss the impact of climate change on octopuses.
- We highlight how habitats and ecosystems are affected by climate change.
- We examine the complexities involved for animals due to climate change.
- We discuss the impact of climate change on coffee production.
- We highlight how climate change threatens the survival of koalas by impeding the regulation of their core body temperatures.
- We investigate the impact of climate change on the onset and duration of the four seasons.
- We discuss how conservation of rhinoceros species and other large herbivores can aid in mitigating climate change.
- We review the impact of climate change on Manta rays.
- We discuss how the Montreal Protocol has contributed to climate change mitigation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while protecting the ozone layer.
- We highlight the impact of climate change on the Himalayas.
- We explore how air pollution and climate change are interlinked.
- We examine how endangered whale sharks are affected by climate change.
- We highlight ISRO's satellite programmes that have contributed to climate change research.
- We explore the consequences of climate change on disease transmitting vector mosquito populations.
- We review the ramifications of climate change on elephant species.
- We highlight how lions are affected by climate change.
- We discuss how biofuel production and use may contribute to climate change mitigation.
- We examine solutions to make handloom fabrics more environmentally sustainable, reducing carbon emissions.
- We highlight how climate change impacts clouded leopards.
- We look at how tiger conservation policies in India have the added benefit of lowering carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.
- We examine how conservation programs have curtailed biodiversity loss and are limiting the effects of climate change.
- We look at how climate change may bring about increased risk of drowning.
- We discuss how climate change can impact mango production.
- We explore how killer whales (Orcas, Orcinus orca) are impacted by climate change.
- We discuss how paper bags can be treated to withstand longer usage and mitigate climate change.
- We highlight the role of energy security policies in tackling climate change & ensuring energy independence.
- We examine how climate change affects the frequency, severity and spread of zoonotic diseases.
- We consider plastic bag alternatives and their role in addressing climate change.
- We look at how modern refrigeration processes contribute to climate change.
- We review how climate change and rainforests are interrelated.
- We explore how climate change will affect desertification around the world.
- We highlight the effects of climate change on sea turtle species (superfamily Chelonioidea).
- We examine how climate change has impacted the ocean using seven key ocean climate change indicators.
- We look at three different climate projections and their effects on the environment.
- We examine how coral reefs are negatively impacted by climate change.
- We examine the impact of climate change on Otters and how otters help in mitigating climate change.
- We look into the effects of climate change on turtle species (order Testudines).
- We discuss how biological diversity is adversely affected by climate change.
- We highlight the effects of climate change on Bee species.
- We review how climate change has impacted endangered species around the world.
- We look at how plant health will be impacted by climate change.
- We explore how migratory bird species will be affected by climate change.
- We examine how climate change may affect Asthma patients.
- We highlight how climate change could threaten endangered koala species.
- We explore how climate change affects leopard species in their native habitats in Africa & Asia.
- We explore how climate change can adversely impact animal health and welfare.
- We discuss how climate change may increase the susceptibility of malarial infections to human populations.
- We highlight how food waste contributes to global carbon emissions.
- We consider how climate change could affect the survival of the Pallas's Cat (also known as Manul).
- We discuss the Snowball Earth hypothesis and the role of greenhouse gases in regulating Earth's climate.
- We examine how elephants contribute to addressing climate change.
- We explore how climate change can affect our respiratory health.
- We explore the links between beavers and climate change.
- We explore how climate change affects marine animals.
- On Manatee Appreciation Day, we examine the impact of climate change on manatees & dugongs, herbivorous mammals also known as sea cows.
- On World Bear Day, we explore how bears will be affected by climate change.
- On World Water Day, we look at how the global water cycle is impacted by climate change.
- On Spring Equinox, we look at the relationship between Earth's rotation rate and the climate.
- On World Sparrow Day, we look at how climate change has impacted house Sparrow populations.
- We review the reduction of global river water quality due to climate change.
- We highlight the impact of climate change experienced by wildlife.
- On National Science Day, we look at how the scientific study of ice cores has advanced climate science studies.
- We highlight the impact of climate change on the survival of polar bears.
- On World Whale Day, we highlight how climate change impacts whales and how whales help in fighting climate change.
- On World Pangolin Day, we look at how this unique mammalian species plays a role in tackling climate change.
- We examine why global climate change agreements (Kyoto protocol, Paris Agreement) have not achieved their targets to limit carbon emissions.
- On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we discuss the role of women in tackling climate change.
- On World Pulses Day, we discuss the role of pulses in addressing climate change.
- On World Wetlands Day, we discuss the importance of wetlands to climate change.
- On International Day of Education, we debunk the myth that climate change and the global mean temperature rise can be caused only by large scale natural processes (e.g., solar radiation).
- On World Snow Day, we highlight how snow cover will be affected by climate change.
- On International Thank-You Day, Sale we discuss the role of gratitude in addressing climate change.
- On Earth's Rotation Day, we discuss how Milankovitch cycles impact Earth's climate over long time scales.
- We examine the increasing hazards posed by Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) due to climate change.
- We highlight the role of Milankovitch cycles in Earth's climate.
- We highlight how AI-based solutions can help improve energy efficiency and reduce global carbon emissions.
- We explore how climate change could affect mountain climate systems.
- We look at how climate change may affect behaviour of cheetahs and other diurnal species.
- We discuss how llamas (Lama glama) can reduce the harmful effects of climate change in mountain regions.
- We examine the role of soil carbon in climate change.
- We discuss the effects of climate change in Antarctica, particularly the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
- We highlight how climate change may affect the quality of pomegranate production.
- We examine how climate change may cause habitat degradation for jaguars and other mammals in the Amazon.
- We explore how climate change may impact fisheries due to fluctuations in diverse zooplankton populations.
- We look into how climate change may affect those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
- We discuss how climate science can provide usable information to improve societal understanding of climate issues and support policies that address climate change.
- We examine the effects of climate change on mangrove forests in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve.
- We highlight the impact of climate change on the native terrain of snow leopards.
- We review the impact of climate change on apple production.
- We explore the vulnerability of sloths to climate change.
- We discuss how electronic waste (or e-waste) contributes to global carbon emissions and look at solutions that help the electronics industry move towards climate neutrality.
- We examine how climate change induced ocean acidification will affect octopuses.
- We explore the challenges of conservation of geoheritage sites affected by climate change.
- We look at the effects of climate change on freshwater dolphins, particularly Ganges River Dolphin (or Gangetic Dolphin).
- We discuss how cotton production may be affected by climate change.
- We look at how climate change threatens native forest habitats of the koala.
- We examine how climate change may trigger environmental stressors that impact cardiovascular health.
- We discuss how climate change is affecting the onset and duration of the four seasons.
- We examine how conservation of rhinoceros species and other large herbivores can aid in mitigating climate change.
- We look at the recent developments and current trends in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
- We examine how climate change may impact Red Pandas.
- We look at the negative ramifications of climate change on Manta rays.
- On World Ozone Day, we highlight interesting facts about Ozone.
- We examine the effects of climate change over the Himalayas.
- We look at how clean air standards for the shipping industry may have the unintended consequence of accelerating global warming..
- On International Mud Day, we examine the contribution of carbonate mud toward climate change mitigation.
- On the International Day of the Tropics, we look at how the tropics are impacted by climate change.
- On World Refrigeration Day, we highlight how modern refrigeration processes contribute to climate change.
- On Upcycling Day, we examine how upcycling technologies can help in the reduction of global carbon emissions.
- On World Sand Dune Day, we examine how climate change will impact sand dunes.
- On World Rainforest Day, we examine how climate change and rainforests are interrelated.
- On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, we discuss how climate change will affect desertification around the world.
- On World Sea Turtle Day, we examine the effects of climate change on sea turtle species (superfamily Chelonioidea).
- On World Oceans Day, we highlight how climate change has impacted the ocean using seven key ocean climate change indicators.
- On Global Wind Day, we explore how wind power generation may be impacted by climate change.
- On Caves and Karst Day, we discuss how climate change can impact cave ecosystems.
- On World Pest Awareness Day, we review the impact of climate change on plant pest species.
- On World Environment Day, we explore how declining air pollution levels may accelerate the rate of global climate change.
- On World Bicycle Day, we list the benefits of switching to cycling and other active travel modes (e.g., walking, e-biking) in reducing greenhouse emissions and air pollution.
- On World Reef Awareness Day, we discuss how coral reefs are negatively impacted by climate change.
- On World Otter Day, we examine the impact of climate change on otters and how otters help in mitigating climate change.
- On Whooping Crane Day, we explore how one of the rarest crane species is threatened with extinction by climate change.
- On World Hunger Day, we discuss how climate change may cause up to an additional 180 million people to face the risk of hunger..
- On World Turtle Day, we examine the effects of climate change on turtle species (order Testudines).
- On International Day for Biological Diversity, we highlight how biological diversity is adversely affected by climate change.
- On World Bee Day, we examine how bee species are affected by climate change.
- On Endangered Species Day, we discuss how climate change has impacted endangered species around the world.
- On Idling Awareness Day, we look at how motor vehicle idling contributes to climate change.
- On World Fair Trade Day, we discuss how fair trade contributes to combating climate change.
- On World Migratory Bird Day, we examine how migratory bird species will be affected by climate change.
- On the International Day of Plant Health, we discuss how plant health will be impacted by climate change.
- On International Leopard Day, we look at how climate change affects leopard species in their native habitats in Africa & Asia.
- On International Wild Koala Day, we highlight how climate change could threaten endangered koala species.
- On World Asthma Day, we discuss how climate change will impact those affected by asthma and respiratory allergies.
- On World Tuna Day, we examine the effect of climate change on Tuna species globally.
- On World Veterinary Day, we look at how climate change can adversely impact animal health and welfare.
- On World Tapir Day, we look at how climate change will affect tapir conservation..
- On Stop Food Waste Day, we examine how food waste contributes to global carbon emissions.
- On Richter Scale Day, we discuss how even though climate change does not cause tsunamis, it can exacerbate the effects of a tsunami.
- On World Malaria Day, we highlight how climate change may increase the susceptibility of malarial infections to human populations.
- On International Pallas Cat Day, we examine how climate change could affect the survival of the Pallas's Cat (also known as Manul).
- On International Bat Appreciation Day, we examine how bat species are threatened by climate change.
- On Save the Elephant Day, we explore how these endangered massive herbivores contribute to addressing climate change.
- On International Microvolunteering Day, we list small, simple and quick actions that can help tackle climate change.
- On Pygmy Hippo Day, we discuss how pygmy hippo conservation can help mitigate the effects of climate change.
- On Zoo Lovers Day, we examine the role of zoos in conservation of species impacted by climate change.
- On International Beaver Day, we explore the links between beavers and climate change.
- On Walk to Work Day, we look at the climate change mitigation effects of walking & cycling in cities.
- On Aquatic Animal Day, we explore how climate change affects marine animals.
- On World Bear Day, we explore how bears will be affected by climate change.
- On World Meteorological Day, we look at INSAT-3D, a satellite developed by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which currently provides meteorological data for weather forecasting.
- On World Forestry Day, we consider the impact of climate change on forests and forest management.
- On Spring Equinox, we look at the relationship between Earth's rotation rate and the climate.
- On World Water Day, we look at how the global water cycle is impacted by climate change.
- On World Frog Day, we examine how climate change is detrimental to frogs and other amphibians.
- On World Rewilding Day, we explore how rewilding can contribute to tackling climate change.
- On World Sparrow Day, we look at how climate change has impacted house sparrow populations.
- On Global Recycling Day, we discuss the role of paper & plastic recycling in climate change mitigation.
- On International Day of Action for Rivers, we look at how climate change will affect rivers and other freshwater ecosystems.
- On World Wildlife Day, we explore the ramifications faced by wildlife due to climate change.
- On World Seagrass Day, we discuss how seagrass beds are affected by climate change and how seagrass ecosystem conservation can help mitigate climate change.
- On International Polar Bear Day, we consider how climate change has impacted the survival of polar bear species.
- On National Science Day, we look at how the scientific study of ice cores has advanced climate science studies.
- On Digital Learning Day, we examine how digital learning or e-learning can help in responding to climate change.
- On Inconvenience Yourself Day, let us take some small inconvenient steps to help in addressing climate change
- On the World Day of Social Justice, we discuss how climate policies must ensure social justice while addressing climate change.
- On World Pangolin Day, we look at how this unique mammalian species plays a role in tackling climate change.
- On Kyoto Protocol Day, we discuss why the Montreal protocol had greater success than the Kyoto Protocol.
- On World Radio Day, we highlight the benefits of radio technology for researchers studying climate change and its effects on ecosystems.
- On International Darwin Day, we look at the evolutionary impact of climate change.
- On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we discuss the role of women in tackling climate change
- On World Pulses Day, we discuss the role of pulses in addressing climate change.
- On Safer Internet Day, we look at how the internet helps in fighting climate change.
- On World Wetlands Day, we discuss the importance of wetlands to climate change.
- On World Whale Day, we highlight how climate change impacts whales and how whales help in fighting climate change.
- On International Zebra Day, we discuss how zebras are impacted by climate change.
- On Data Privacy Day, we look at the unlikely connection between data privacy and climate change.
- On International Day of Education, we debunk the myth that climate change and the global mean temperature rise can be caused only by large scale natural processes (e.g., solar radiation).
- On Penguin Awareness Day, we discuss how climate change will impact penguins.
- On World Snow Day, we highlight how snow cover will be affected by climate change.
- On this day, we look at Swami Vivekananda's wise words and its relevance to the climate crisis.
- On International Thank-You Day, we discuss the role of gratitude in addressing climate change.
- On Earth's Rotation Day, we discuss how Milankovitch cycles impact Earth's climate over long time scales.
- On Kisan Divas, we discuss how agroforestry can assist in adapting to climate change.
- We are commemorating this winter solstice by highlighting the uniqueness of our planet, reiterating the need to mitigate climate change.
- On National Mathematics Day, we are presenting numbers related to climate change.
- On International Tea Day, we discuss the impact of climate change on tea production.
- On International Energy Conservation Day, we focus on the necessity of energy conservation to tackle climate change.
- On International Mountain Day, we examine how climate change will affect mountain regions and high mountain areas.
- On International Animal Rights Day, we highlight how climate change will affect animal welfare.
- On World Soil Day, we look at the relationship between soil & climate change.
- On International Cheetah Day, we show how climate change will affect cheetahs..
- On World Wildlife Conservation Day, we list how climate change will impact wildlife conservation.
- On Global Fat Bike Day, we identify how bicycles designed for traversing multiple terrains (e.g., snow, sand, bogs, and mud) can be a climate friendly option for transportation.
- We look into how Ice Skating Carnival in Shimla will be affected by climate change.
- On International Jaguar Day, we look into how climate change affects jaguars.
- On World Fisheries Day, we show how climate change has impacted fishing industries on a global scale.
- On World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day, we are emphasizing the correlation between climate change and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- On International Students’ Day, we look into the role students around the world can play in tackling climate change.
- On Social Enterprise Day, we discuss how social enterprise is addressing climate change.
- Population Growth and climate change-(15 November 2022 )
- 3 ways for beveloping sustainable Habits in Children
- Address climate change today to provide a letter tomorrow for our children
- On National Education Day, we discuss the importance of science communication to educate the public about crucial issues & policies, in particular, climate change.
- On World Public Transport Day, we look at how public transportation can help in limiting the effects of climate change.
- On World Science Day for Peace and Development, we focus on science in energy research & its contribution to mitigating climate change.
- On International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, we are highlighting how armed conflicts exacerbate environmental issues and diminish efforts to combat climate change.
- On International Day for Biosphere Reserves, we discuss the importance of biosphere reserves and their role in mitigating climate change.
- On World Jellyfish Day, we are looking into how climate change is influencing growth of jellyfish populations in the oceans.
- On World Vegan Day, we highlight how adopting diets which are more plant based can limit the effects of climate change.
- For Polar Bear Week, we are looking into the dangers faced by polar bears due to climate change.
- On World Cities Day, we discuss how climate change and cities are intertwined.
- On World Savings Day, we are listing ways we can save money and limit the effects of climate change.
- On World Development Information Day, we highlight how the use of modern information technologies can help with disseminating information about mitigating climate change.
- On International Snow Leopard Day, we highlight how climate change can impact snow leopards.
- On National Make A Difference Day, we suggest ways we can make a difference toward the goal of tackling climate change.
- On Conflict Resolution Day, we consider how festering conflicts contribute to climate change.
- On World Values Day, we look into the role values play in public acceptance of climate change and consequent policies for adaptation and mitigation.
- On this National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day, cleaning up and organizing your desktop can free up your computer from unnecessary and unimportant files. That way, you will be able to work efficiently.
- On International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we examine how maladaptive climate policies threaten efforts to reduce poverty.
- On World Food Day, we are discussing how climate change can cause dire ramifications on food production and distribution.
- On International e-Waste Day, we explore management of e-waste and its role in mitigating climate change.
- On International Day for Disaster Reduction, we promote both proactive and reactive adaptation measures to reduce the impact of disasters induced by climate change.
- On World Migratory Bird Day, we describe the issues faced by migratory bird species due to climate change.
- On National Dolphin Day, we highlight how climate change affects dolphins and other whales.
- On Energy Efficiency Day, we discuss the benefits of increasing energy efficiency towards mitigating climate change.
- On World Animal Welfare Day, we discuss how climate change threatens animals with extinction.
- On World Architecture Day, we are listing ways architects can aid the fight against climate change.
- On World Habitat Day, we are discussing how habitats are affected by climate change.
- On the 154th birth anniversary of the Father of Our Nation, we remember the ideals that he stood for all his life. Minimalistic and sustainable living have never been more needed than right now.
- On International Coffee Day, we are highlighting ways for coffee crops to adapt to environmental conditions brought about by climate change.
- Which Land based mitigation measurescould affect desertification,Land degradation or Food Sececurity?
- On World Coconut Day, we highlight the issues coconut farming in India are likely to face due to climate change.
- International Vulture Awareness Day-(3 September 2022 )
- What mother Nature Teaches Us about Life
- International Literacy Day-(8 September 2022)
- On Engineer's Day, we are discussing how engineers must be able to balance the demands of progress with the conservation of nature.
- What is Climate Resilient Development and how do we pursue it?
- Common Regional Changes: Regional fact sheet-Asia
- How will Climate Change Affect the lives of Todays Children Tomorrow life No Immediate action is taken!
- Dispelling the Myth" Green house Gas Emissions/Pollution is the price to pay for progress.
- Dispelling the Myth" Green house Gas Emissions/Pollution is the price to pay for progress.
- On World Ozone Day, we emphasise the success of the Montreal Protocol and the united international effort to preserve the ozone layer.
- On International Red Panda Day, we discuss how climate change disturbs conservation efforts to protect this furry mammal.
- On World Bamboo Day, we list ways that bamboo can help mitigate the effects of climate change.
- On World Rhino Day, let us support the conservation of Rhinoceros species by aiding in the preservation of their habitats.
- On Car-Free Day, let us support the cause of car-free cities and instead choose cycling, walking and public transport for our daily commutes.
- On World Rivers Day, we are highlighting how the loss of glacier melt will affect the perennial flow of rivers all over the world, and could cause widespread water insecurity.
- On World Environmental Health Day, we are discussing the dangers of heatwaves, which have increased in frequency due to global warming.
- World Tourism Day
- International day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste- (29 September 2022)
- On World Maritime Day, we explore the effects of climate change on the maritime transport (oceanic shipping) industry.
- National Forest Martyrs day
- On International Peace Day, we are presenting the possibility of inflammation of conflicts around the world.
- On Small Industry day, we are highlighting issues small industries are likely to face with climate change and promote their importance..
- On World Mosquito Day, we highlight the risks from mosquito populations due to changes in seasonal temperatures caused by climate change..
- On World Photography Day, we are showing photographs that show the long-term effects of climate change on glaciers..
- On World Elephant Day, let us promote conservation of our majestic elephants (Elephas maximus), and recognise their role in carbon sequestration..
- In 2022, IYD will focus on 'Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages'. The purpose is to convey that action is needed across generations to attain the SDGs & an opportunity for youth to be aware of the challenges they are facing..
- On National Handloom day, let us support the handloom sector and honour their contribution to India's storied cultural heritage and Independence movements..
- On International Clouded Leopard Day, we are promoting awareness of the Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is the closest living species to the common cat ancestor of the cat family..
- International Tiger Day.
- The latest report from the IPCC shows the impact of climate change on various ecosystems. Combating climate change is necessary in order to conserve as much of the earth's ecosystems as we can.
- Greenhouse gases have been the focus of increasing attention over the past few years. On world youth skills day, we urge & encourage the youth of today to come forward & lead the initiative..
- Paper bags are a sustainable and eco friendly option to plastic bags, and their use has increased in the recent years. Let us continue to use paper bags for our everyday needs..
- Climate change affects chocolate cultivation. Changes in climate will cause a shift of geographic ranges favourable to the cacao tree, reducing the area available for cocoa cultivation..
- Zoonoses are anthropological infectious diseases in which pathogens infect humans after jumping from animals. Combating climate change is of vital importance to limit emergence of novel zoonoses..
- Use of disposable plastic bags is detrimental to the environment. Support more eco-friendly choices..
- Impact winter is the hypothesized period of prolonged cold climate across the earth after an asteroid impact, this impact could cause large quantities of debris to be dispersed into the atmosphere..
- Impact winter is the hypothesized period of prolonged cold climate across the earth after an asteroid impact, this impact could cause large quantities of debris to be dispersed into the atmosphere. .
- According to IPCC, oceans are continuing to acidify in response to ongoing ocean carbon uptake. This is very likely to have emerged for three-quarters of the near-surface open ocean prior to 1950. Over 95% of the near-surface open ocean has already been affected..
- Earth's tilt along with its elliptical orbit around the Sun brings about the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The elliptical orbit also results in dates with the earliest sunrise & latest sunset to be different from today. .
- Hydrography is a science which involves the measurement & study of oceans, lakes, rivers, seas & coastal regions. It is used to help predict changes over time for use in oceanic activities, research & environmental protection..
- On World Environment Day, here are some excerpts from experts - Sir Brian Hoskins in conversation at DCCC, Indian Institute of Science & a presentation by Prof J Srinivasan for National Council for Science Museum on 'Planet Under Pressure’..
- Using a bicycle is an affordable & healthier means of transport. Cycling contributes to creating a cleaner environment by reducing air & noise pollution. This World Bicycle Day let's create awareness regarding the health benefits of cycling & do our part to protect the Earth.
- Cow's milk is healthy, no doubt, but we often miss the repercussions dairy farming has on the environment. We also have plant-based milk that are comparable to cow's milk commonly containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins along with minerals and fibres .
- There's some good news regarding Climate Change!
Nzambi Matee has developed a lightweight & low-cost brick made by combining recycled plastic with sand, making them stronger than concrete!.
- We celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22. On the International Day for Biological Diversity, we raise awareness of these issues and urge action to protect our planet's biodiversity by playing a role in protecting biodiversity in our own way..
- Asthma is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases affecting more than 230 million people globally.
This World Asthma Day, let us rededicate ourselves to educate people and find newer ways to reduce the disease burden..
- Penguins are majestic flightless seabirds. April 25th is celebrated as World Penguin Day to honour and raise awareness about this unique bird species. We need to reduce carbon footprints and arrest global warming to save the penguins..
Breach of sub-glacial lake may have caused Uttarakhand floods ;
Uttarakhand flood: Breach of hidden lake under glacier caused flash floods: IISc scientist ;
Uttarakhand Flash Floods Caused By Water Released From Underground Glacial Lake At Northern Nanda Devi: IISc Team ;
Uttarakhand: Underground glacial lake led to flash floods, says IISc analysis ;
Uttarakhand flood: Breach of hidden lake under glacier caused flash floods: IISc scientist NewsFunda ;
Experts say climate change caused Uttarakhand glacier burst ;
Scientists had warned earlier that glacier collapse would likely happen in Uttarakhand;
COVID-19 lockdown-like interventions may help combat air pollution in India, say scientists ;
Covid-19 lockdown-like steps may help combat air pollution: Scientists ;
COVID-19 lockdown-like interventions may help combat air pollution in India, say scientists ;
Delhi breathes easy: How to save lockdown's green gains ;
Learning about climate change from a pandemic ;
World Environment Day 2020: Infosys Prize winner Prof SK Satheesh explains changes during COVID-19 lockdown ;
World Environment Day 2020: This Is How The Environment Is Healing During The COVID-19 Lockdown ;
Time is running out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:report ;
Technique to predict glacial lake bursts;
Country's 1st climate change study centre in city completes a decade;
Infosys prize-2018;
Award of Devendra Lal Memorial Medal;
Visit of the President of India on 24th October 2017;
A GLACIER MELT ALERT" Published in BangaloreMirror ,November 17,2016 ;
Flow over a rectangular side weir under subcritical conditions ;
Article Published in Prajavani on "Global Warming and Greenery", 28 November 2015.
Is the earth now a Carbon Sink? Published in Indian Express at Sun, 22 November 2015.
Predicting and Managing Extreme Rainfall : Prof J Srinivasan
Nitrogen deposition: how important is it for global terrestrial carbon uptake? : Dr. G Bala
Understanding Flash Flood in Kedarnath Dham : Dr. Anil V Kulkarni
Digesting 400 ppm for global mean CO2 concentration? : Dr. G Bala
The Science of Geoengineering? : Dr. G Bala
The Bioeconomy (including bioenergy), Food and Climate Security ? Dr. Jeremy Woods
Effects of Deforestation on Monsoon Rainfall
Glacier Lakes and Disaster Mitigation
Web Mail