
Prof. J. Srinivasan

Distinguished Scientist
Divecha Centre for Climate Change,

Honorary Professor
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science

Email: jayes@iisc.ac.in

Tel: +91-80-2293-3068

Fax: +91-80-2293-3425


Ph.D. 1975 Stanford University M.S. 1971 State University of New York B.Tech. 1969 IIT Madras


August 2016 - Till date :
Distinguished Scientist, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

June 2016 - July 2016 :
Emeritus Professor, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

2009 - May 2016 :
Chairman, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

August 2013 - Till date :
Honorary Professor, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

2005 - 2009 :
Chairman, Mechanical Sciences Division, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

1996 - 2005 :
Chairman, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

1993 - 1995 :
NRC Senior Resident Research Associate, NASA, Langley,Virginia,USA

1992 - till date :
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

1987 - 1992 :
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

1982 - 1987 :
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

1977 - 1982 :
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

1977 - 1982 :
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Research Interests:
  1. Double Diffusive Convection
  2. Monsoon Models
  3. Monsoon Variability
  4. Simple Climate Models
  5. Satellite Meteorology
  1. Lead Author, IPCC fourth assessment report ,2004-2007
  2. Review Editor, IPCC report on Climate Change
  3. Lead Author, IPCC reports on Climate Change 1994 and 1995
  4. Secretary, Indian Academy of Sciences,2007-
  5. J.C.Bose Fellow , 2007-2015
  6. Life Time achievement award, Minsitry of Earth Sciences,2012
  7. Fellow,Indian Meteorological Society
  8. Fellow,Indian Academy of Engineering
  9. Fellow,Indian National Science Academy
  10. Fellow,Indian Academy of Sciences
  11. Hari Om Ashram Prerit S.S.Bhatnagar research award - Solar Energy 1994
  12. Banco Foundation Gold medal , IIT, Madras, 1969
  1. Vijay Gupta and J. Srinivasan, "HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER", Tata-McGraw Hill, 1978, 210 Pages
  2. S K Rastogi, Jeevanashankara and J. Srinivasan, "Synthesis of Optimal Heat Exchanger Networks,in Heat Transfer Equipment Design", 191-226, Ed. R. K. Shah, Hemisphere (1988)
  3. K P Shine, Y Fouquart, V Ramaswamy, S Solomon and J Srinivasan, "Radiative Forcing, in CLIMATE CHANGE 1994", pp 163-203, J T Houghton, L G Meira Filho, J Bruce, H Lee, B A Callander, E Haites, N Harris, and K Maskell (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  4. K P Shine, Y Fouquart, V Ramaswamy, S Solomon and J Srinivasan, "Radiative Forcing, in CLIMATE CHANGE 1995: THE SCIENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE", pp 108-118, J T Houghton, L G Meira Filho, B A Callander, N Harris, A Kattenberg and K Maskell (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  5. J Srinivasan, "Oceans and Tropical Climate", pp 53-86 in OCEAN SCIENCE; Ed. B L K Somayajulu, Akademia Books International, New Delhi 1999
  6. R.Narasimha, J.Srinivasan and S.K.Biswas (Editors), "The Dynamics of Technology: Creation and Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge", Sage publications, 2003.
  7. T. J. Wallington, J. Srinivasan, O. J. Nielson, E. J. Highwood, "Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming", in Environmental and Ecological Chemistry, Ed. Aleksandar Sabljic, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net], 2004
  8. D. Randall , R. Wood , S. Bony, R. Colman , T. Fichefet, J. Fyfe, V. Kattsov, A. Pitman, J. Shukla, J. Srinivasan, R. J. Stouffer, A. Sumi , and K. Taylor in CLIMATE CHANGE 2007: THE PHYSICAL SCIENCE BASIS, pp 589-662, S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, M. Marquis, K. Averyt, M.M.B. Tignor, H.L. Miller and Z. Chen (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  1. R D Cess and J Srinivasan, “ A Note on Radiative Transfer in Lunar and Mercurian Surfaces”, ICARUS, 15,100-102 (1971)
  2. J. Srinivasan and R D Cess, “The Effect of Scattering and Conduction upon Radiative Transfer in Lunar and Mercurian Surfaces”, ICARUS, 19,542-546 (1973)
  3. 11. J. Srinivasan and W G Vincenti, “Criteria for Acoustic Instability in a Gas with Ambient Vibrational and Radiative Nonequilibrium, Physics of Fluids, 18, 1670-77 (1976)
  4. J. Srinivasan, “Prediction of Downward Flux of Atmospheric Radiation from Clear Skies”, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 21,173-181 (1981)
  5. J. Srinivasan and N S Rao, “Numerical Study of Heat Transfer in Laminar Film Boiling by Finite Difference Method”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 27, 77-84(1984)
  6. P C Kapur, R Singh, J Srinivasan, “Tube-in-basket Burner for Rice Husk I. Properties of Rice Husk as Fuel and Basic Design Consideration”, SADHANA, 7, 291-300 (1985)
  7. J Srinivasan and Biswajit Basu, “Numerical Study of Thermocapillary Flow in a Rectangular Cavity”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 29, 79-84(1986)
  8. J Srinivasan and A Guha, “Concentration Profile in the Gradient Zone of Small Solar Ponds”, Solar Energy, 38, 135-136 (1987)
  9. J Srinivasan, R Kumar and K S Gandhi, “A Theory for Enhancement of Photoacoustic Signal by Voltaile Liquids”, Journal of Applied Physics, 43, 35-41(1987)
  10. J Srinivasan and A Guha, “The Effect of Bottom Reflectivity on the Performance of a Solar Pond”, Solar Energy, 39, 361-368 (1987)
  11. R Singh and J Srinivasan, “Modified Refrigerant Compressor as Reciprocating Engine for Solar-Thermal Power Generation”, International Journal of Energy Research, 12, 69-74(1988)
  12. B Basu and J Srinivasan, “Numerical Study of Steady State Laser Melting Problem” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 31, 2331-2338(1988)
  13. J Srinivasan and D Angirasa, “Numerical Study of Double-Diffusive Free Convection from a vertical Surface”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 31, 2033-2038 (1988)
  14. D Angirasa and J Srinivasan, “Natural Convection Flows due to the Combined Buoyancy of Heat and Mass Diffusion in a Thermally Stratified Medium”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 111, 657-663 (1989)
  15. S Gadgil and J Srinivasan, “Low Frequency Variation of Tropical Convergence Zones”, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 44, 119-132 (1990)
  16. J Srinivasan, “Performance of a small solar pond in the tropics”, Solar Energy, 45, 221-230 (1990)
  17. K Ramananda Rao, U Shrinivasa and J Srinivasan, “Design Options Reduced Exchanger Cost”, Hydrocarbon processing, 69, 81-83 (1990)
  18. J Srinivasan and D Angirasa, “Laminar Axisymmetric Multicomponent Buoyant Plume in a Thermally Stratified Medium”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33, 1751-1757 (1990)
  19. K Ramananda Rao, U Shrinivasa and J Srinivasan, “Synthesis of Cost-optimal Shell-and-tube Heat Exchangers”, Heat Transfer Engineering, 12, 47-55 (1991)
  20. S Ray and J Srinivasan, “Analysis of Conjugate Laminar Mixed Convection Cooling in a Shrouded Array of Electronic Components”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 35, 815-822 (1992)
  21. D Angirasa and J Srinivasan, “Natural Convection Heat Transfer from an isothermal Vertical Surface to a Stable thermally stratified fluid”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 114, 917-923 (1992)
  22. J Srinivasan, “Convection suppression in horizontal Solar collectors using density stratification”, Solar Energy, 48, 287-289(1992)
  23. K Ramananda Rao, U Shrinivasa and J Srinivasan, “On the Weak Coupling between Geometry and Heat Transfer in Heat Exchanger Optimization”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 70, 565-571(1992)
  24. S Gadgil, A Guruprasad, and J Srinivasan, “Systematic Bias in the NOAA Outgoing Longwave Radiation Data Set ?”, Journal of Climate, 5, 867-875(1992)
  25. R S Nanjundiah, J Srinivasan and S Gadgil, “Intraseasonal Variation of the Indian Summer Monsoon II: Theoretical Aspects”, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 70, 529-550(1992)
  26. A Dewan, J H Arakeri and J Srinivasan, “A Note on High Schmidt Number Laminar Jet Discharged Horizontally”, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19, 721-731(1992)
  27. J Srinivasan, S Gadgil and P J Webster, “Meridional Migration of Large Scale Monsoon Convergence Zones”, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 52, 15-35(1993)
  28. A S Vasudevamurthy, J Srinivasan and R Narasimha, “A Theory of the Lifted Temperature Minimum on Calm Clear Nights”, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London A, 344, 183-206(1993)
  29. S Kohli, J Srinivasan and H S Mukunda, “Heat Transfer to a Horizontal Disc Using Buoyancy Induced Jet”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 4049-4066(1993)
  30. J Srinivasan, “Solar Pond Technology”, SADHANA, 18, 39-55(1993)
  31. A R Roychowdhury and J Srinivasan, “Boundary Conditions for Heat Transfer Analysis in Forehearts”, Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, 15, 261-269(1993)
  32. A R Roychowdhury and J Srinivasan, “The Modelling of Radiation Heat Transfer in Forehearth Units in Glass melting”, Warme-und Stoffubertargung, 30, 71-75(1994)
  33. K Ravindran, J Srinivasan and A G Marathe, “Finite Element Study on the Role of convection in Laser Surface Melting, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 26, 601-618(1994)
  34. A R Roychowdhury and J Srinivasan, “Effect of Wall Emissivity on Radiation Heat Transfer in Glass Tank Forehearths”, Heat and Mass Transfer, 31, 11-15(1995)
  35. K Ravindran, J Srinivasan and A G Marathe, “Finite Element Solution of Surface Tension Driven Flows in Laser Surface Melting”, Mechanics Research Communications, 22, 297-304(1995)
  36. K Ravindran, J Srinivasan and A G Marathe, “Role of Surface Tension Driven Convection in Pulsed Laser Melting and Solidification”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 209, 75-82(1995)
  37. K Ravindran, J Srinivasan and A G Marathe, “Finite Element Analysis of Heat Flux and Thermocapillary Convection in Laser Surface Melting”, Computational Fluid Mechanics Journal, 3, 453-462(1995)
  38. K R Sreenivas, J H Arakeri and J Srinivasan, “Modelling the Dynamics of the Mixed Layer in Solar Ponds”, Solar Energy, 54, 193-202(1995)
  39. J Srinivasan and G L Smith, “Comments on Modification of n=0 Equatorial Waves due to Interaction Between Convection and Dynamics”, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 53, 917-918, (1996)
  40. J Srinivasan and G L Smith, “Meridional Migration of Tropical Convergence Zones”, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35, 1189-1202(1996)
  41. J Srinivasan and G L Smith, “The Role of Heat Fluxes and Moist Static Energy in Tropical Convergence zones”, Monthly Weather Review, 124, 2089-2099(1996)
  42. G S Bhat, J Srinivasan and S Gadgil, “Tropical Deep Convection, Convective Available Potential Energy, and Sea Surface Temperature”, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 74, 155-166(1996)
  43. K Ravindran, J Srinivasan and A G Marathe, “Numerical Modelling of Convective Heat Transfer in Pulsed Lasers”, Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, 18, 97-104(1996)
  44. J Srinivasan, “Human Influence on Global Climate”, Current Science, 71, 667-670(1996)
  45. K Ramanada Rao, U. Shrinivasa and J. Srinivasan, “Constrained Optimization of Heat Exchangers”, Chemical Engineering, 103, 112-118(1996)
  46. J Srinivasan, “Deep Cloud Clusters in the Tropics”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, special issue, 77, 237-256(1997)
  47. S. Kohli, J Srinivasan, and H S Mukunda, “Modelling of Buoyancy-Induced flow and Heat Transfer in a Biomass Stove”, Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, 19, 167-178(1997)
  48. A Dewan, J H Arakeri, and J Srinivasan, “A new turbulence model for the axisymmetric plume”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 21, 709-719(1997)
  49. P.V.Joseph and J.Srinivasan, "Rossby waves in May and the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall ", Tellus, 51A, 854-864(1999)
  50. R.S.Nanjundiah and J.Srinivasan ,"Anomalies of precipitable water vapour and vertical stability during El Nino", Geophysical Research Letters,26,95-98,1999
  51. M.Rajeevan and J.Srinivasan ,"Net Cloud Forcing at the Top of the Atmosphere in the Asian Monsoon region", Journal of Climate,13, 650-657,2000
  52. J.H.Arakeri , D.Das and J.Srinivasan ,"Bifurcation of Laminar Buoyant Jet Discharged Horizontally" ,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 412,61-73,2000
  53. J.Srinivasan ,”A simple Thermodynamic model for seasonal variation of monsoon rainfall, Current Science, 80,73-77,2001
  54. K. Rajendran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, J. Srinivasan ” Comparison of seasonal and intraseasonal variation of tropical climate in NCARCCM2 GCM with two different cumulus schemes” Meteorol Atmos Phys 79 , 57-86,2002
  55. J.Srinivasan and S.Gadgil, “Asian Brown Cloud-fact and fantasy”, Current Science, 83, 586-592,2002
  56. J. Srinivasan and R.S. Nanjundiah, “The evolution of Indian summer monsoon in 1997 and 1983” , Meteorol Atmos Phys 79 ,243-258,2002
  57. S.Gadgil, J.Srinivasan, R.S.Nanjundiah, K.Krishna Kumar, A.A.Munot and K.Rupa Kumar “On forecasting the Indian summer monsoon:the intriguing season of 2002” , Current Science,83, 394-404,2002
  58. S.K.Satheesh, J.Srinivasan, “Enhanced aerosol loading over Arabian Sea during the pre-monsoon season: Natural or anthropogenic?” Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 1029-1033,2002
  59. G.S.Bhat, A.Chakraborty, R.S.Nanjudiah, and J.Srinivasan,”Vertical Thermal structure of atmosphere during active and weak phases of convection over the north Bay of Bengal: Observations and model results”, Current Science,83, 296-302,2002
  60. K. Rajendran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, J. Srinivasan: The impact of surface hydrology on the simulation of tropical intraseasonal oscillation in NCARCCM2 atmospheric GCM, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80,1357-1381,2002
  61. J.Srinivasan and S.Gadgil: On the Asian Brown Cloud controversy, Current Science,83,1307-1309, 2002
  62. A.Chakraborty, R.S.Nanjundiah, and J.Srinivasan, Role of Asian and AfricanOrogography in Indian Summer Monsoon,Geophysical Research Letters,29,10.1029/2002GL015522(2002)
  63. A.Chakraborty and J.Srinivasan,Comparison of radiative Fluxes at the top of the atmosphere from INSAT and ERBE, MAUSAM, 54, 299-314, 2003
  64. J.Srinivasan, Diagnostic study of errors in the simulation of tropical continental precipitation in general circulation models, Annales Geophysicae,21, 1197-1207, 2003.
  65. A. Chakraborty, S. K. Satheesh, R. S. Nanjundiah, and J. Srinivasan, act of absorbing aerosols on the simulation of climate over the Indian region in an atmospheric general circulation model, Annales Geophysicae 22, 1421-1434, 2004
  66. C.Shekhar;, S. K. Satheesh, J Srinivasan, Can the state of mixing of black carbon aerosols explain the mystery of 'excess' atmospheric absorption? Geophysical Research Letters ,31,10.1029/2004GL020662,2004.
  67. Hiren Jethva and J.Srinivasan , Role of Variation in Vertical Profiles of Relative Humidity on Retrieval of Humidity from AMSU-B Data, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L23109, doi:10.1029/2004GL021098, 2004
  68. P.K.Thapliyal, P.K.Pal, M.S.Narayanan and J.Srinivasan, Development of a Time Series–Based Methodology for Estimation of Large-Area Soil Wetness over India Using IRS-P4 Microwave Radiometer Data, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44, 127-143, 2005
  69. S. Deepshikha, S.K.Satheesh, and J.Srinivasan, Regional distribution of absorbing efficiency of dust aerosols over India and adjacent continents inferred using satellite remote sensing, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L03811, doi: 10.1029/2004GL022091,2005
  70. S.K.Satheesh and J.Srinivasan, A method to infer shortwave absorption due to aerosols using satellite remote sensing, Geophysical Research Letters, 32,L13814, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023064,2005.
  71. Hiren Jethva, S.K.Satheesh and J.Srinivasan, Seasonal variation of aerosols in the Indo-Gangetic basin, Journal of Geophysical Research , 110,D21204,doi:10.1029/2005JF005938,2005
  72. R.S.Nanjundiah, V.Vidyunmala, and J.Srinivasan, On the difference in the seasonal cycle of rainfall over India in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM2) and Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2, Geophysical Research Letters,32,L20720,doi:10.1029/2005GL024278,2005
  73. R.S.Nanjundiah,V.Vidyunmala, and J.Srinivasan,The impact of increase in CO2 on the simulation of tropical biennial oscillation(TBO) in 12 coupled General Circulation Models, Atmospheric Science Letters 6, 183- 191,2005
  74. S.K. Satheesh, S. Deepshikha, J. Srinivasan and Y.J. Kaufman, Large Dust Absorption of Infrared Radiation over Afro-Asian Regions: Evidence for Anthropogenic Impact, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 3, 307–3112006
  75. S. K. Satheesh, S. Deepshikha and J. Srinivasan, Dust aerosols over India and adjacent continents retrieved using Meteosat Infrared radiance: Part IAnnales Geophysicae, 24, 37-61, 2006
  76. S. K. Satheesh, S. Deepshikha and J. Srinivasan, Dust aerosols over India and adjacent continents retrieved using Meteosat Infrared radiance: Part II Annales Geophysicae, 24, 63-79, 2006
  77. S.K.Satheesh, S.Deepshikha and J.Srinivasan, Impact of dust aerosols on Earth-atmosphere clear-sky albedo and its short wave radiative forcing over African and Arabian regions, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 1691-1706,2006
  78. G. Bellon and J. Srinivasan, Comment on '’Structures and mechanisms of the northward propagating boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation”, Journal of Climate , 19, 4738-4743,2006
  79. S.K. Satheesh, J. Srinivasan and K. Krishna Moorthy, Spatial and temporal Heterogeneity in aerosol properties and radiative forcing over Bay of Bengal: Sources, role of transport and implications for regional climate, Journal of Geophysical Research , 111, ( 2006)
  80. S.K. Satheesh, J. Srinivasan and K. Krishna Moorthy, Contribution of Sea-Salt to Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arabian Sea derived from MODIS Observations, Geophysical Research Letters , 33 ,doi:10.1029/2005GL024856,2006.
  81. S.K. Satheesh and J. Srinivasan, A Method to Estimate Aerosol Radiative Forcing from Spectral Optical Depths, J. Atmos. Sci.,63,1082-1092, 2006
  82. A. Chakraborty, R. S. Nanjundiah, J. Srinivasan , Theoretical aspects of the onset of Indian summer monsoon from perturbed orography simulations in a GCM, Annales Geophysicae.24, 2075 – 2089,2006.
  83. S.K.Satheesh, J. Srinivasan, V. Vinoj, V and S.Chandra , New Directions: How representative are aerosol radiative impact assessments ? Atmospheric Environment, 40, 3008-3010, 2006.
  84. K.Krishna Moorthy, S.Suresh Babu, S.K.Satheesh, J.Srinivasan, and C.B.S.Dutt, Dust Absorption over the Indian Desert inferred using ground-based and satellite remote sensing: Seasonal Distinctiveness, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D09206, doi:10.1029/2006JD007690, 2007
  85. S.K.Satheesh, CBS Dutt, J. Srinivasan, and U.R. Rao, Atmospheric Warming due to Dust Absorption over Afro-Asian Region, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L04805 2007
  86. Hiren Jethva, S.K.Satheesh, and J.Srinivasan, Assessment of New MODIS Aerosol Retrieval (Collection 005) at Kanpur, India, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L19802, doi:10.1029 /2007GL029647,2007
  87. J.Srinivasan and P.C.Joshi, What have we learned about the Indian monsoon from satellite data, Current Science, 93, 165-172,2007.
  88. Vinoj, V., A. Anjan, M. Sudhakar, S. K. Satheesh, J. Srinivasan, and K. K. Moorthy, Latitudinal variation of aerosol optical depths from northern Arabian Sea to Antarctica, Geophysical Research Letters., 34, L10807, doi:10.1029/2007GL029419,2007
  89. V.Vidyunmala, R.S. Nanjundiah, and J.Srinivasan, The effect of variation in sea-surface temperature and its meridional gradient on the equatorial and off-equatorial ITCZ in an Aquaplanet General Circulation model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 95,239-253. 2007.
  90. Hiren Jethva, S.K.Satheesh, and J.Srinivasan, Evaluation of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) collection 004 (C004) aerosol retrievals at Kanpur, Indo-Gangetic basin ,Journal of Geophysical Research(Atmospheres) ,112 , D14216 ,2007
  91. A. Chakraborty, R. S. Nanjundiah and J. Srinivasan, Impact of African Orography and Indian Summer Monsoon on the Low-Level Somali Jet, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 983-992,2008
  92. Saroj K Mishra, J Srinivasan and Ravi S Nanjundiah, The impact of time step on the intensity of ITCZ in an Aqua-planet GCM, Monthly Weather Review, 136, 4077-4091,2008.
  93. Satheesh, S.K. and J.Srinivasan, Comments on "A method to estimate aerosol radiative forcing from spectral optical depths" – Reply, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 65,1103-1104,2008
  94. Sreenivas, K. R., O.P.Singh , and J.Srinivasan, On the relationship between finger width, velocity, and fluxes in thermohaline convection, Physics of Fluids, 21, 026601, doi:10.1063/1.3070527, 2009
  95. Hiren Jethva, S.K.Satheesh, J.Srinivasan and K. Krishna Murthy, How Good is the Assumption About Visible Surface Reflectance in MODIS Aerosol Retrieval Over Land?, IEEE Transaction in Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 47, 1990-1997,2009
  96. Ahuja, D. and J.Srinivasan, Why controlling climate change is more difficult than stopping stratospheric ozone depletion, Current Science,97,1531-1533, 2009
  97. Jethva, H., S. K. Satheesh, J. Srinivasan, and R. C. Levy, Improved retrieval of aerosol size-resolved properties from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer over India: Role of aerosol model and surface reflectance, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18213, doi:10.1029/2009JD013218,2010
  98. Deepshika, S., and J.Srinivasan, Discriminating between natural and anthropogenic aerosol contributions to optical depth over Afro-Asian region, Atmospheric Science Letters,11, DOI: 10.1002/asl.299, 2010.
  99. Mishra, S.K., and J.Srinivasan, Sensitivity of the simulated precipitation to convective relaxation time scale, Annales Geophysicae , 28, 1827-1846, 2010.
  100. Dixit,Vishal and J.Srinivasan, The role of vertical shear of the meridional winds in the northward propagation of ITCZ, Geophysical Research Letters,38, L08812, doi:10.1029/2010GL046601, 2011
  101. Gadgil,Sulochana and J.Srinivasan, Seasonal prediction of the Indian monsoon, Current Science, 100,343-353,2011
  102. D. R. Gurung, A. V. Kulkarni, A. Giriraj, K. S. Aung, B. Shrestha, and J. Srinivasan, Changes in seasonal snow cover in Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, The Cryosphere Discussions, 5, 755–777.,2011.
  103. Singh,O.P., D Ranjan, J. Srinivasan, and K. R. Sreenivas,A Study of Basalt Fingers Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations in Double-diffusive Systems, Journal of Geography and Geology, 3, 42-50,2011.
  104. Venkatesh, . T. N , A. V. Kulkarni, and J. Srinivasan, Relative effect of slope and equilibrium line altitude on the retreat of Himalayan glaciers, The Cryosphere, 6, 301-311, 2012
  105. Rajendran,K., A. Kitoh ,J. Srinivasan, R. Mizuta and R. Krishnan, Monsoon circulation interaction with Western Ghats orography under changing climate, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2012(online)
  106. Rajeevan,M.,P. Rohini, K. Niranjan Kumar,J. Srinivasan ,C. K. Unnikrishnan, A study of vertical cloud structure of the Indian summer monsoon using CloudSat data, Climate Dynamics,2012(online)
  107. Rajendran,K., Ravi S Nanjundiah Sulochana Gadgil and J Srinivasan, How good are the simulations of tropical SST–rainfall relationship by IPCC AR4 atmospheric and coupled models?, Journal of Earth System Science,121,595-610,2012.
  108. Mitavachan, H, A.Gokhale,,B.R.Nagaraju, , A.V.V.Reddy, D.C.Krishnamurthy, and J. Srinivasan, Performance of a megawatt-scale grid-connected solar photovoltaic power plant in Kolar District in Karnataka., Current Science , 102, 842-844.2012.
  109. H. Mitavachan and J. Srinivasan,Is land really a constraint for the utilization of solar energy in India?,Current Science,103,163-168,2012.
  110. S.Gadgil and J.Srinivasan, Monsoon prediction: are dynamical models getting better than statistical models?, Current Science,103,257-259,2012
  111. A. V. Kulkarni,G. Vinay Kumar, H. S. Negi, S. K. Satheesh and J.Srinivasan,"The effect of black carbon on reflectance of snow in the accumulation area of glaciers in the Baspa basin, Himachal Pradesh, India ",The Cryosphere Discussions,Vol 7, issue 2,p:1359-1382,2013
  112. Chakraborty,A, Ravi S. Nanjundiaha and J.Srinivasan,"Local and remote impacts of direct aerosol forcing on Asian monsoon",Int.Journal of Climatology,DOI: 10.1002/joc.3826,2013
  113. Chakraborty,A, Ravi S. Nanjundiah and J.Srinivasan,"Radiative Impacts of Carbon Aerosols on South and East Asian Summer Monsoon: Proximate vs Remote",International Journal of Climatology,2013
  114. M. Rajeevan, , K. Niranjan Kumar,C. Gnanaseelan, M. M. Ali and J.Srinivasan,"On the epochal variation of intensity of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea",Atmospheric Science Letters,DOI: 10.1002/asl2.447,2013
  115. Gadgil, S. and J.Srinivasan,"Monsoon prediction: hits, misses and false alarms"Current Science,Vol.104,P:1005,2013
  116. S.K. Satheesh, K.K. Moorthy, S.S. Babu and J.Srinivasan,"Unusual aerosol characteristics at Challakere in Karnataka ",Current Science,Vol.10,P:615-621,2013
  117. J.Srinivasan,"Predicting and managing extreme rainfall" ,Current Science,Vol.105,PG-1,2013
  118. K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh andJ.Srinivasan,"Effect of SST variation on ITCZ in APE simulations",Journal Meteorological Society of Japan,Vol.91A, 195-215 pp,doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-A06,2013
  119. Rajeevan,M.,P. Rohini, K. Niranjan Kumar,C. K. Unnikrishnan andJ.Srinivasan,"A study of vertical cloud structure of the Indian summer monsoon using Cloud Sat data", Climate Dynamics,Vol. 40,P:637- 670,2013
  120. Prateek Gantayat, Anil V. Kulkarni, andJ.Srinivasan,"Estimation of ice thickness using surface velocities and slope at The Gangotri glacier, India", Journal of Glaciology,Vol. 60(220),P:277-282,2014
  121. M. Shravanth Vasisht, C. Vishal,Sheela K. Ramasesha andJ.Srinivasan,"Solar photovoltaic assistance for LHB rail coaches", CURRENT SCIENCE,VOL. 107,P:2-25 ,2014
  122. Roshan R. Rao, H. R. Swetha,Sheela K. Ramasesha andJ.Srinivasan,"Comparison of performance of solar photovoltaics on dual axis tracker with fixed axis at 13°N latitude" ,CURRENT SCIENCE,Vol.108,No.11,P:2087 – 2094,2015
  123. U.S. Maanya, A. Tiwari, Anil V. Kulkarni, E.D. Bhar andJ.Srinivasan,"Identification of potential glacial lake sites and mapping maximum extent of existing glacier lakes in Drang Drung and Samudra Tapu glaciers, Indian Himalaya ", CURRENT SCIENCE,DOI: (00113891) 111 (3),2016
  124. M. Shravanth Vasisht, Sheela K. Ramasesha andJ.Srinivasan,"Performance of solar photovoltaic installations: Effect of seasonal variations" ,Solar Energy, Elsevier ,Volume 131 DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2016.02.013,P:39-46 , 2016
  125. Samrat Rao andJ.Srinivasan,"The impact of latent heating on the strength and location of the tropical easterly jet",Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics ,Volume 128,P:247-261 2016
  126. M. Shravanth Vasisht, Sheela K. Ramasesha andJ.Srinivasan,"Performance of solar photovoltaic installations: Effect of seasonal variations" , Solar Energy, Elsevier ,Volume 131 DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2016.02.013,P:39-46 ,2016
  127. M. Shravanth Vasisht, G.A. Vashista,Sheela K. Ramasesha andJ.Srinivasan,"Rail coaches with rooftop solar photovoltaic systems: A feasibility study" ,ENERGY,Volume 118,DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2016.10.103,P:684-691 ,2017
  128. Piyush.D.N.,Goyal.j andJ.Srinivasan,"Retrieval of cloud ice water path using SAPHIR on board Megha-Tropiques over the tropical ocean " ,Advances in Space Research,Volume 59,P:1895-1906 ,2017
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