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Prof. J. Srinivasan
Chairman, Divecha Centre for Climate Change,
Indian Institute of Science
Tel: +91-
Fax: +91-
Professional Career
Research Interests
Scientific Contribution in Nutshell
The Himalayas have one of the largest concentrations of glaciers outside the Polar Regions. The retreat of the glaciers in the Himalayas is difficult to document because of rugged terrain and debris cover. Dr. Kulkarni developed a new method to identify glacial terminus using satellite data. This was used to estimate retreat of about 1868 Himalayan glaciers. This investigation provided, for the first time, information about fragmentation of glaciers, loss in glacial area and about the dramatic impact of climate change on Himalayan cryosphere. Dr. Kulkarni developed a model to estimate glacier mass balance by monitoring snow line on the glaciers. This has provided, for the first time mass balance of large number Himalayan glaciers, which was otherwise available for few glaciers only. This work has created national and international awareness about the impact of climate change on Himalayan glaciers. Dr. Kulkarni lead numerous expeditions to study of glaciers. Dr. Kulkarni has also developed a new algorithm to monitor seasonal snow cover and generated information about seasonal snow cover for the Himalayan region. This investigation has shown that seasonal snow cover is melting in middle of winter, and hence influencing the stream runoff. This is an important fingerprint for global warming. Dr. Kulkarni developed for the first time in India a snow and glacier melt runoff model to assess hydropower potential of small Himalayan streams. This model has first time shown impact of climate change on hydropower generation, indicating reduction in power potential in all seasons. These contributions make Dr. Kulkarni one of the leading authorities in the world on Himalayan snow and ice cover.
Dr. Anil V. Kulkarni
Distinguished Visiting Scientist
Divecha Center for Climate Change | Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore -
Tel: +91-