Assistant Professor

Divecha Centre for Climate Change (DCCC),

& Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS),

Indian Institute of Science

(since 2018)

Room number D-404,
DCCC Building,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560012

Email: ashwins AT
          ashwin AT

Google Scholar


Our group works in two areas: nonlinear climate dynamics & science and policy of decarbonization.

Research Themes
  • Science & policy of decarbonization 

    In the context of global warming, we study Earth system processes relevant to decarbonization. For example, prior studies have shown that global warming from carbon dioxide depends only on the total ("cumulative") anthropogenic emissions across time. We try to understand why this is so.

    A large-scale expansion of renewable energy is necessary for mitigating global warming. However, electricity from renewables depends on weather conditions. Keeping this in mind, how do we achieve a large-scale expansion of renewable energy in the coming decades? We are involved in studying the challenges and opportunities that policy should address.

  • Climate dynamics and nonlinear dynamics  

    Our group also works on various problems in climate dynamics, including the nonlinear dynamics of monsoons. For example, it is difficult to predict long-term changes in regional climate exactly. In this context, are there processes that assure the long-term stability of monsoons under a variety of climate conditions?

    Students also work on various questions relevant to climate variability and change such as, what factors influence the global climate feedback and how is this related to changes in the hydrological cycle?

    Another emerging theme we work on is the design of climate model ensembles to understand uncertainties associated with long-term climate prediction.

  • Some of our work on nonlinear dynamics of monsoons is described here and the use of simple models to understand monsoon bifurcation and global warming is discussed here.

    Recent updates

    October 2023: Paper on Minimal chaotic models in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

    October 2023: Paper on Contrasting controls on convection near and away from the equator during Indian summer monsoon in Environmental Research Letters

    October 2023: Guest editorial on A robust and equitable low carbon transition in Current Science

    October 2023: Paper on Wind-solar-storage trade-offs in a decarbonizing electricity system in Applied Energy

    June 2023: Paper on Invariants and chaos in the Volterra gyrostat in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

    January 2023: Paper on Explaining smaller climate sensitivity of solar forcing in Journal of Climate